About me

I am a Software Engineer with 12+ years of experience in software development across different industries, such as education, oil & gas, finance & accounting, retail trade, and most recently, the insurance/risk analysis sector. I have had different roles during my professional career, but they all have involved full-stack development using various technologies. I am comfortable working with different technologies and multiple programming languages, but my preferred stack nowadays includes SQL, .NET Core, and Angular 2+.

I am Peruvian and currently based in the UK, working for WTW in the Risk & Analytics department. I am part of the team building & maintaining two risk analysis products: Global Peril Diagnostic (GPD) and Climate Diagnostic.

Global Peril Diagnostic (GPD) is a geospatial risk product that evaluates your property portfolio to assess exposure to natural catastrophes, terrorism, and pandemic perils in real-time. While GPD is more focused on the current situation, Climate Diagnostic is a product that helps organizations to manage climate-related risks by combining different climate scenarios and timelines to show how those changes could impact the organization's properties.

I am particularly interested in Software Architecture, Development life cycle, SaaS platforms, full-stack development, and consumer technology. The content you will find on this site will be most related to these topics; I hope the articles I write help you tackle something you have encountered while developing a software product or give you a different or new perspective.

Hear about me from my teammates

Mo Hamzah

Mo Hamzah

Deloitte Consulting - Product Manager

November 11, 2021, Mo managed Augusto directly

In short, Augusto was an asset to the team from the first week he joined the RigCLOUD EDR Apps Product Team. What he brings to the table is the extreme ownership of the product and not just executing requirements which I find most desirable for any product team. If I were to build a team, I would definitely pick Augusto to be in it.

In the course of a few months, Augusto was able to contribute to building new features real quick using his full-stack skills with limited familiarity with all the technologies at the beginning (no previous experience with Oracle). In addition to outstandingly completing the tasks that were provided, Augusto was able to contribute good software engineering practices to improve delivery and avoid remedial development work.

Asher Al-Chacar

Asher Al-Chacar

Development Manager at Prometheus Group

June 29, 2021, Asher managed Augusto directly

Great developer. Augusto on multiple occasions was able to pick up a new technology with little to no assistance and integrate it with our platform. He got the ball rolling on a new framework we intend to use and put something together that our team will be able to expand and build on (and we're really excited to do so! His documentation and code are both very clean). He required no micromanagement and always approached me when he encountered a blocker outside of his control so that I could contact the necessary people in a timely manner. When I gave him tasks I was very comfortable knowing he would have them completed on time. If given the opportunity I would happily work with him again.
Nelson Rogers

Nelson Rogers

Product Manager - Autosoft, Inc.

January 6, 2021, Nelson worked with Augusto but at different companies

Augusto was an invaluable resource to our company during our major re-write. His ability to elegantly solve problems and work across teams continues to pay dividends for our users. Augusto would be a valuable addition to any software project.
Michael Lunsford

Michael Lunsford

Senior Software Engineer / Team Lead at Autosoft DMS

December 22, 2020, Augusto worked with Michael in the same group

Augusto is one of those developers who can take on a difficult challenge and you know he will do an excellent job. I had the pleasure of working with him for several months this year and quickly came to respect his deep business knowledge and technical expertise. Augusto's outstanding contributions were frequently recognized by the team.

His technical expertise easily covers the full development stack and he was considered by the team as an expert in SQL, C#, and Angular.

Corey Adler

Corey Adler

Senior Software Engineer at Q² Solutions

January 7, 2020, Augusto worked with Corey in the same group

I worked with Augusto both as a fellow developer and then as his Team Lead for the year in 2019. Augusto's coding prowess is tremendous, as he would often be the one to happily solve a complex issue for the team, whether it was on the C#, SQL, or Angular end of the application. He was always very reliable, passionate, and hard working every single day. The only thing that matches his awesome coding abilities is his incredible personality. Augusto was always warm and friendly to everyone on the team, despite the long distance, and would always be willing to help out a teammate in need. I cannot recommend him enough for everything good that deserves to go his way.
John Ackley

John Ackley

Engineering Lead at Carnegie Learning

September 28, 2019, Augusto worked with John in the same group

Along with his strong C#, Angular and related full-stack programming skills, Augusto aided the team with his insightful troubleshooting and clear communication. He took on many of the harder programming tasks, nearly all involving full-stack features. The team relied on Augusto as our Angular expert and looked to him for leadership in front-end architecture. He demonstrated high personal integrity and was always courteous and pleasant to work with. The team constantly requested management to directly hire him. Any team would be benefit from having Augusto with them. Cheers!


Sr. QA Engineer

December 19, 2018, Augusto worked with JUAN in the same group

I had the pleasure to work with Augusto as we were assigned in the same project, he as a software engineer and me as QA engineer. Augusto is a tremendous person who is really responsible with his work, he knows how to apply his knowledge with the use of technology as he has plenty of experience developing software, he manages really well his time, has the ability to teach in a detailed manner and also is a good team player. Augusto is open to any type of recommendations and it’s a good listener which makes him a good fit for any organization. Working with Augusto was a really nice experience as he has a good sense of humor and its a very optimistic person