About this site


People working in software development are constantly facing challenges. I built this website with the motivation of sharing the knowledge I have acquired along my journey. I hope the articles on this website help you find a solution or, at least, give you some fresh ideas about how to approach it.

I encourage you to take ideas and examples here as a starting point and investigate more or look deeper before aplying it into your proyect. The harder the problem you are trying to solve, the harder to find something ready to copy and paste...

Technologies used on this site

Back in 2018, this blog was a static website (HTML, Javascript, CSS) hosted in AWS S3. I didn’t write articles too often, and I was comfortable writing HTML, which worked fine for me for a long time.

I migrated this website to ASP.NET Core in January 2022 to take advantage of templates. I decided to rewrite the CSS from scratch and avoid using a framework such as Bootstrap because my frontend skills were getting a little rusty. The site is still hosted in AWS but is now using a service called EC2.