
Testing AdSense in Localhost [#20]

In this article I will show how you can setup your localhost environment to test AdSense.

Getting started with ArcGIS JavaScript API in Angular [#19]

In this article I will provide some guidance on how to work with the ArcGIS maps SDK for JavaScript in an Angular application. We will create an Angular App using the CLI and display a map in it.

My Home Office Setup [#18]

As a developer, I spent around 40 hours a week sitting in front of the computer. Having a proper office setup as a developer is matter of health, order, and motivation. In this article, I share my developer's office setup with you and explain why I chose this gear, and where I acquired it.

Running Multiple node versions in the same machine [#17]

Being able to run multiple Node versions in a machine is a common requirement for developers. For example, when working with Angular, it is common to have multiple Angular applications targeting different versions over the time.

NPM package versioning [#16]

Either you are working on an application the relies on NPM packages such as Angular apps or you are building your own NPM package, you will have to get familiar with Semantic Versioning. The Semantic Versioning spec allows developers that use these packages know the specific version of the package they are using.

SOLID Principles explained with code example [#15]

If you search for SOLID design principles on the internet, you will find tones of results that provide the definition and/or basic object-oriented code examples. Have you wondered how should code that follows these principles look like in an real application? In this article, I will explain the SOLID Design Principles with a small application that should feel closer to what you see in a real application.

Developer Tools [#14]

Recently, a friend of mine enrolled in a software development course at the university, and he was very curious about what tools a professional developer uses daily. I made a list of tools I use for software development for him, and now I am sharing it in this article. In the last years, I have done a lot of API and SPAs (Single Page Application) development, so most of these tools are focused on that area.

Error handling in ASP NET Core Web API [#13]

Error handling is an essential feature of every software product. In this article I will show you how to handle errors in ASP NET Core Web APIs using custom exceptions and a ASP.NET Core middleware component.

Installing a Let's Encrypt SSL/TLS certificate on Windows Server [#12]

Using HTTPS (TLS over HTTP) is nowadays required for every type and size of website. This article will show you how you can get a free SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt and install it on a Windows Server running IIS.

Add Logging to a Net Core Console App [#9]

Logging is an essential feature of every application; it allows us to find and fix errors, handle warnings, and record information while debugging. In this article, we will check what does .NET Core gives us out of the box and how we can add more logging capabilities using third-party packages.

Building a Worker Service [#8]

Console Applications have been used for a long time to build long running applications that do not require user interaction. Since .Net Core 3 the SDK provides a template that allow us creating a Console Application with some feature such as logging, lifetime management and external configuration out of the box. This template is called Worker Service.

.NET CLI Cheat sheet [#7]

The .NET CLI (command-line interface) is a cross-platform tool to build, run, and publish .NET applications. This article provides a list of common CLI commands that can be very handy in your day to day.

Documenting Software Architectures [#6]

In this article I will try to convice you that software documentation matters. Software architecture is an asset of organization and it must be documented, there are different approaches to do so. I provide here an introduction to the Views & Beyond approch.

Introduction to Angular Reactive Forms [#5]

Forms provide applications a point of interaction with users that enables user input. This article introduces Angular Reactive Forms and points out some differences with Template Driven Forms.

Angular Tools [#4]

Here is a list of the tools and plugins I use and recommend for Angular and web development.

Introduction to Unit Testing in Angular [#3]

The purpose of this entry is giving the context of unit testing in the Angular Framework, the kind of tests that could be performed and the tools and benefits the Angular Framework provides out of the box.

Angular CLI Cheat Sheet [#2]

The Angular CLI is a tool from the Angular team that helps the code generation and follows best practices, in the this post I have included some of the commands I use in my day to day work.

Hosting a static website in AWS S3 [#1]

This article explains step by step how to host a static website in AWS S3. S3 provides a feature to configure a bucket to work like a public website.