Angular CLI Cheat sheet [#7]

The Angular CLI is a tool from the Angular team that helps with code generation and follows best practices, in this post I have included some of the commands I use in my day to day at work. If you are not using the CLI now you are probably working on manual tasks that could be automated, for example when it comes to creating a new component the CLI provides a command that creates four files, each of them with base code. These are:

  • componentname.ts: the component class in a typescript file
  • componentname.html: the html template for the new component
  • componentname.css: the styles file for the new component
  • componentname.spec.ts: the unit test file with base code

With the CLI you can autogenerate code for components, services, run unit tests, serve your application, format and lint your code. You will find a lot of useful commands in the Angular CLI docummentation page:

Keep in mind that most of these commands have options and many options also have an alias, for example to build your application and start a server you can run ng serve --open or ng serve -o

Remember that you can always ask for help to the CLI using the help command, for example try: ng help

Framework installation and version

Install Angular CLI

Install the Angular CLI, -g option indicates that it will be installed globally.

npm install -g @angular/cli
Uninstall Angular CLI

If you have a different version than the one you need you may want to remove your current Angular CLI before installing the new one.

npm uninstall -g @angular/cli
Check current Angular version

Verify what Angular, Angular CLI, Node and some other Angular components version.

ng version
ng v

Create an Angular Application

Create an empty workspace

If you are thinking about having multiple applications or libraries you can create an empty workspace where you can add projects and libraries as needed.

ng new my-workspace --create-application=false

Generate Angular building blocks

Create a library

Creates an Angular library

ng generate library [name] --prefix [prefix]
Create a module

Creates an Angular module

Creates a folder and a file within it with extension module.ts
ng generate module [name]
Creates a folder and within it a component with the same name of the module and a file with extesion [module-name]-routing.module.ts which has one route entry that points to the component we have just created. Along with these changes it will update the module indicated in the --module option to add a route entry to the module we have just created.
ng generate module [name] --route [rout-path] --module [module-name]
Generate a component

Generates a new component including html, css and typescript files for component and tests.

ng generate c [componentname]

Module option indicates the declaring Angular module.

ng generate c [path]/[component-name] --module [module-name]

The flat option will indicate that a folder will not be created.

ng generate c [componentname] -flat

Run through without making changes, this will allow you verify what files and where would they be created.

ng generate c [componentname] --dry-run
Generate a Service class

Generates a service class and a file with a template for the unit tests.

ng generate service [ServiceName]
Generates a Pipe class

Generates a pipe class and a file with a template for unit tests.

ng generate pipe [PipeName]

Development Cycle

Serve application

Spin a server and serve the web page

Full command

ng serve --open
ng serve -o

Spin a server and serves the web page, this command will actually run whatever is set in your package.json file. By default an Angular project is created with an "ng serve" command for the npm start.

npm start

This command will use TSLint to check your code and look for style or programmatic errors.

ng lint
Run tests
ng test

Run tests and generate code coverage report. Full command

ng test --code-coverage

Run tests and generate code coverage report

ng test -cc